April 09, 2011

New Fur Brother!

This is pretty HUGE news. When I say huge I mean like 1,500 pounds huge.
My mom has a new Horse! His name is Diablo and he’s an 8 year old Quarter horse.

Isn’t he beautiful?? No bones about it I’m obviously still the biggest looker in this family, but he’s not too shabby.

My Nana and Papa in Colorado called and surprised my mom with the news right before she left for work. They are AWESOME! Do you know anyone else that gets their kid a horse?? Hey wait a minute…My mom hasn’t got me a horse yet? WTH? Maybe it’s because I don’t have thumbs? Who knows. Anyways, Here’s a picture of them. Not to state the obvious but Daaaaang I have a good lookin family.

So my mom is going down to Colorado when she gets off work to break him. I was initially a bit worried about her because he’s so big, not to mention his name mean Devil! I know she’s a good rider and I’m sure he’ll fall in love with her just like I did so I stopped worrying (mainly for the simple fact that I found one of my chew bones and forgot about it).
My mom has been riding since she was very little. Being a big horse family they all start very young. Here is a picture of my youngest two legger cousin Mason. Yep they start them off early.
 As for me I'm pretty well trained in the horse knowledge department. Unlike this crazy bastard "Gizmo" I know not to EVER, EVER, EVER go into the horse pen. Yep because I'm a smart dog and don't want to get smooshed. I'm perfectly happy OUTSIDE the pen (well that and my mom would spank my butt if she ever caught me in there).


Mom has promised to keep me updated with pictures as soon as she gets to Colorado so stay posted!!

1 comment:

  1. Whoa! He sure is big! Your mom really loves brown and white splotchy animals huh? I think I do see the state of Alaska in Diablo's coloring - a friend of your mom's mentioned that on Facebook. BTW, when are you getting your own Facebook page? Sir Winston has one and Roo Roo Magitt has one too... What's the deal dude?
    Love you!
    Hugs and pets
    Aunty Leanne
