January 13, 2011

'ello World!

Welcome to my blog!  I am a French Bulldog from Alaska! My name is Radar and I am only two years old and my mom and her friends decided that I needed a place to vent about the hardships of my daily life.  It’s only your leg I’m humping there; I have a really great life!  
I spend most of my time with my mom – she takes me everywhere! Well, except to work.  She works far away and for some reason those mean men she works with won’t let me come to work with her.  I know that if I could only get up there everyone would fall in love with me cause I am very handsome and a lot of fun!
Sometimes I go to my Nanna and Pappa’s house.  My cousins Spanky, Missy, and Bandit live there and sometimes there are up to 40 other dogs and cats there!  That place smells FANTASTIC!  I always run out of pee before I’m done marking. I can’t help it! I’m a dog! 
Spanky and I have a lot of fun we wrestle a little and chase each other.  Missy can be a pure bitch.  Sometimes she just growls and then goes and sits on top of the couch, like she’s superior or something, geez!  But when no one is looking – look out! She wants me bad, she’ll play with me and we have a blast.  Until someone sees her having fun that is then she goes back on the couch under her blanket.
Bandit, he’s another story altogether.  That guy, he thinks he’s the alpha but he so is NOT! Spanky runs that house but when I’m around Bandit tries to act all tough and pick fights.  WHATEVER, I don’t want to come into your stupid tack room anyway!  Who am I kidding? The smells in there are the best, that’s why I’m always sneaking in there… heh heh.
Then there is Squishy McFatty Pants – I know, I know, what a name! She – really? Is she a she? She is the barn cat and she scares the bejeezus out of me! Tough, opinionated and mean, I really want to try to be her friend but she doesn’t know I’m alive.  One day, I finally got the guts up to go into her lair to take a sniff around and found FOUR DEAD BODIES! I was out of there in a flash, the corpses, they were just lying there, their little legs in the air, whiskers coated with frost, sure they were only shrews but it scared the crap out of me!
I hope you like reading about life from about 10 inches off the ground because down here, lots of exciting things are happening 24/7.  Welcome!

1 comment:

  1. ROFLMAO!! Love it, love it, LOVE IT!!
    Hello Radar,
    I've been to your cousins, lots of fun and fine smells there.
    Signed with love from your BIGGEST FAN : )
