May 09, 2011


Am I a morning dog? Well yes, yes I am.
I’m a huge fan of snuggling which I’m sure most of you already know..
However in case you don’t here’s my typical morning on the farm.

I wake up with my Aunty Kassy and we snuggle for a bit before we get out of bed.
I LOVE my good morning scratches.

Once I’m out of bed WATCH OUT I tear through the house like my butts on fire! I always make sure to check the living room to be sure my toys are where I left them, and then I find my Papa. He’s usually at the kitchen table where he knows I’ll be meeting him. We have some coffee (By WE I mean him, I’ve tried but he just wont share any with me).

Sometimes Missy beats me to Papa but no worries I just distract her by pretending I’m playing with one of her toys. When she jumps down to take it from me I jump into Papa’s lap! It’s really too easy..

After I eat my breakfast the options for the day are endless! Lots of dogs to visit, people to greet, fun to be had.
So see if you had my life you too would be a fan of mornings. Monday morning no less!  

May 08, 2011

I Love my Mama! Even When She Ignores Me...

Happy Mother's Day Mom, I never act like this!
Lots of Licks,
Your best friend and #1 furball,