January 28, 2011


Well, my female people are all in an uproar today.  Seems some guy named Hugh Jackman has himself a fawn Frenchie named Peaches.  I couldn't figure out what the heck these women were so excited about!  So what?  Some guy, in a huge puffy coat with a hairy face, (but hey, don't knock the facial hair, whiskers make the man!), sunglasses and a couple of youngin's out playing in the snow in NYC... Big deal!

Then I saw her. Peaches.  Oh. My. Lord. What a hottie!  I mean check her out!

Now normally I don't understand why the two-leggers feel the need to put clothing on us fur creatures, I mean, come on, we are covered in FUR.  However, Peaches sure can pull off that outfit!  Orange is her color!

I did a little internet stalking, um, surfing and found a few cute pictures with her humans.  

Here she is when she was just a pup, rockin' a diamond studded collar, (her people must be rich!).

This picture is for you Carrie, my #1 fan. Love ya, babe!  I don’t know what you see in that human but… whatev!

January 23, 2011

A Poem for the Frog Dogs

I am not a pig, I am not a Pug.
My ears haven’t been cropped,
My tail hasn’t been docked.
I didn’t run into a wall or get hit with a fry pan,
I do not bite,
but my owner is another matter altogether.
That noise is how I breathe—I am not
growling at your child.
I’m not so ugly I’m almost cute,
and anyone who says that is so stupid they're
almost smart.
I am a French Bulldog
and I am perfect in every way!

January 20, 2011

Flash Back The Buzz Killer

When I was about 6 months old me and my mom were over visiting at my Nana's house.

While the girls were hanging out doing girl things (I try not to really pay attention) I was busy checking things around the house to make sure everything was the way I left it.

During my survey of the place I noticed a strange little furry thing with wings. He seemed as interested as me, as he kept flying very close to my face. I tried to get a taste of him but he was very fast!  It was a pretty fun game of chase actually. I ended up following him into the dining room where the girls were sitting...

That's when it happened. My face felt like it was on fire!! I was so blown away that it took me a second to figure out that my new friends butt had bit me! I had to think fast... I ran to the water dish and tried to drown him!! I was thrashing my face in the water bowl and can you believe it... The girls yelled, YELLED at me for making a mess!! The nerve!

Well if they think they could figure out how to handle this situation better than me then so be it. I ran and jumped into my mom’s lap and immediately showed her my lip where my good-for-nothing-NOT-new friend was still attached. My mom is pretty bright and caught on to what was happening super fast. She pulled him right off me and then gave me a little pill that tasted like strawberries so I wouldn't swell up, (so I was told),  I don't even really know what any of that means.

Either way it was a pretty traumatic experience, I pouted for most of the day as I felt pretty butt hurt about the girls thinking I would make a mess out of the water bowl just for fun. Pfff whatever. I like a clean floor just as much as the next guy.

Below are some pictures of my poor lip. Papa kept telling me I looked like I had chew in, but I wasn't chewing anything?  Sometime I get so confused about what they're talking about.

I’m just thankful that this didn’t happen:

Don't panic that's not me!  That is another poor Frenchie I found on the internet who got stung many, many times.   Thank God she's okay now.

After a few hours of my mom carrying me around and trying to suck up to me for yelling at me ... I was still a bit upset.  Especially because she just kept taking pictures of me...

Ever since that day I have had it out for that furry little guy. I see him a lot and he's gotten me once more since then but one of these days... I will win.

January 16, 2011

Flash Back! July 2009

Since I finally just talked someone into creating my blog obviously were a little behind on the first year and a half of my life… So today I’m going to share with you my first bike ride.

I’m a bit of a Harley enthusiast. My mom has a Dyna-Wideglide and let me tell you… I LOVE it! I have a pretty rockin’ safety seat and of course I wear my doggles (not my favorite, but whatev).

My very first rally was the Throttle Thunder ride. It’s was something about people not getting DUI’s. I’m not sure what all that means... to me it just meant LET’S RIDE!  We rode all the way from Wasilla AK down to Sterling AK.

Here’s a picture of my seat: I know I’m pretty tough...

This is us getting ready to take off!

It was the greatest day! Sun on my coat and the wind in my face... I even met a pretty cute little bitch... I was a little too young at the time to appreciate a smoking hot fellow Harley rider but don’t worry I always look for her when we’re out riding. I’m sure we’ll cross paths again. I mean honestly how many dogs ride Harley’s??

Anywho... Back to the ride. There were a lot of bikes but thankfully we were up at the front of the pack!

 About half way we stopped for a lunch break, it was a working lunch for me as I had to guard the hogs...

 After about 4 hours we finally made it to my Nana and Papa’s house where I had one of the most amazing naps with my Papa (see proof below) I even gave him my shirt from the ride

January 14, 2011

Animals - We are so Darn Funny!

Frenchies in the News! Frenchies in the News!

It’s not all good news my friends.  We’re being slandered just for being dogs!  From what I hear, one of Martha Stewart’s Frenchies, Francesca, (a gorgeous brindle bitch I must say), was just innocently trying to sleep.  Martha snuck up on Franny and whispered in her ear.  Franny must have been dreaming about snoozing in the sun when she was startled awake and jumped up.  Franny's head hit Martha right in the lip and split it open! Blood went everywhere and Martha had to visit the hospital and get stitches from a plastic surgeon.  

It's not Franny's fault!  Martha had been gone from home for a while and she was leaving AGAIN.  Sure Francesca and Sharkey were probably snubbing her a little but what’s a dog to do?  We live for our people! And when you ignore us, bad things can happen.  I’m not saying Francesca did this intentionally but Bitch was sleepin’! You don’t sneak up on a sleeping dog, come on!  “Let sleeping dogs lie.” Ever hear of that saying Martha??

I’m glad Martha is okay, I’m sure she will be giving both Francesca and Sharkey some extra love because she probably feels a little guilty.

Now let’s take a look at Francesca.  Bitch is HOT!  And she has her own blog! The Daily Wag

