February 26, 2011


TGIWDF (Thank God It's Word of the Day Friday!)

- 3 dictionary results
1.  impatient of control, restraint, or delay, as persons; restless; uneasy.
2.  refractory; stubborn.
3. refusing to go forward; balky: a restive horse.

February 20, 2011

What a week!

It started off with a bang. First off it was Valentines. Normally I’m not against it but my Aunt Kassy and Nana refused to share any of their delicious smelling treats that came in the heart shape boxes with me. The nerve! Last year my mom made me my own cookies but she’s at work so no luck there.

Then a few days after Valentines I FINALLY get word from my two leggers that I had a Valentine email from my favorite cousin Kimber. Uggghh Seriously people! How many times do I have to tell them to check my email?? Sometimes it’s like playing fetch with a rock. Frustrating, pointless and most of all exhausting.

Now that I got that off my chest we can enjoy my Valentines picture from Kimber. 
Isn’t she a beauty!! Obviously we’re related... She has the same flare for fashion that I do.
She’s also very photogenic... This brings me to my next point.


I’ve been in turmoil all week about this:
Westminster - Dog - Show

So I caught the action last year for the first time and was quite impressed with the high quality taste the judges showed. I mean after all a Frenchy did win best in show!! As it should always be.

This year I was quite excited to tune in to watch the Frenchies dominate once again.
This is where it all started going downhill…
They must have hired all NEW judges because these people didn’t know squat! I don’t think they would be able to tell you the difference between a squirrel and a horse! (I can because I’ve been around both:another story for another time.)

So for starters look at who they picked for Best of Show...Foxcliffe Hickory Wind... Oh COME ON!
She doesn’t even look like a dog! Seriously what is she?!?!?!
For dog sakes she has a boy’s name! Not even a cool boys name either.. Foxcliffe? Oh yeah I’m sure she’s reeeeaaaaal popular at the dog park... NOT!

However a Frenchy did represent at best of show. I like to call him Wooly. Sweet name dude. Check out the fierceness in his face! He ain’t playin around!!
*Note to self- Invite Wooly the next time I throw down with some tough dogs.

I’m obviously a huge fan of his coloring! Go Brindle!!

The best of opposite sex’s winner is quite the fox! (Not literally)

Bonbon definitely turned my head! Check her out.. She’s like a fuzzy little angel.

This whole mess has really got me thinking. I need to become a show dog.
Show those snotty dogs what’s up.
I mean seriously check out my stance... Pretty impressive if you ask me.

I’m not even trying here!! Toooootally natural, In the words of  William Hung 
 “I have had no professional training” 

I mean seriously look, I even do it when I’m hiking...

Bottom line; I need to get serious about my diet, drop a few pounds and get in that ring! (That’s what they call it right?) Crud... This may be harder than I thought.
Do you guys think I could do it?

February 18, 2011


TGIWDF (Thank God It's Word of the Day Friday!)
Word of the Day Friday 2/18/2011
noun \ˈtər-ˌmȯi(-ə)l\
Definition of TURMOIL  
: a state or condition of extreme confusion, agitation, or commotion

February 13, 2011

Rainbow Bridge

Yesterday was a sad day my friends.
Samson has crossed the rainbow bridge.
I only knew him for a few weeks, but I instantly loved him. He had a sweet soul that didn’t deserve to suffer. I hope that my mom, friends and I made his last days of life a bit better.
I know he’s up there chasing squirrels with no pain.
I found this poem and thought he would like it.
Thanks for the licks Samson.

by Susan A. Jackson

May I go now?
Do you think the time is right?
May I say goodbye to pain filled days
and endless lonely nights?

I've lived my life and done my best,
an example tried to be.
So can I take that step beyond
and set my spirit free?

I didn't want to go at first,
I fought with all my might.
But something seems to draw me now
to a warm and loving light.

I want to go. I really do.
It's difficult to stay.
But I will try as best I can
to live just one more day.

To give you time to care for me
and share your love and fears.
I know you're sad and afraid,
because I see your tears.

I'll not be far, I promise that,
and hope you'll always know
that my spirit will be close to you
wherever you may go.

Thank you so for loving me.
You know I love you, too.
That's why it's hard to say goodbye
and end this life with you.

So hold me now just one more time
and let me hear you say,
because you care so much for me,
you'll let me go today.

February 11, 2011

Lucid Dreaming

The other day my mom left me at my Aunt Leanne’s for the day and I took many, many naps.    I was missing my mom so I tried to sleep at the door but Leanne kept taking my picture and waking me up!

I finally got comfortable lying somewhat close to the fire – It was heaven I could keep my buns warm while still watching the door waiting for my mom. 
Leanne kept coming over and standing over me staring at me while I was busy sleeping and dreaming of chasing the ball in the green, green, grass which is currently covered by about 10 inches of snow.   I knew she was standing there staring at me and I also knew that I was dreaming of grass and all of its smells…  Now that I know what the word LUCID means. I know I was lucid dreaming…  I'm a very smart dog. 


TGIWDF (Thank God It's Word of the Day Friday!)

Word of the Day Friday 2/11/2011
- 4 dictionary results

1. easily understood; completely intelligible or comprehensible: a lucid explanation.
2. characterized by clear perception or understanding; rational or sane: a lucid moment in his madness.
3. shining or bright.
4. clear; pellucid; transparent.

February 10, 2011

Napping, a step by step tutorial

Per Wikipedia;
A nap is a short period of sleep, usually during daytime. Naps may be taken when one becomes drowsy during the day or as a traditional daily practice. It is common for small children and elderly people to take frequent naps. **Obviously they forgot to mention Frenchies are big fans of napping**

Step one:
Get some good old fashion exercise!
I’m partial to running, short distance of course. A small burst is the way to go.
If you have some littles handy they are great running partners! On a side note… For added fun I generally trip them. It’s quite the hoot! They think it’s hilarious!! Make sure your littles are cool with this before forging ahead though..

I’ve been very lucky with the littles I keep company with. My main littles are Brock and Kage. Pretty cool dudes. You could say they’re mine. And by mine, I mean I don’t like sharing them with other four leggers.

My second choice of getting good and tuckered out is a hike. Nothing better than ALL those smells! I can’t even help it, when I’m on the trail I just can’t stop peeing and sniffing! Below is a picture of me and Kage hiking Skyline.
Step two:
Get a good snack. I’ve found that having a full belly really sacks me right out!
*If your two legger won’t give you any good snacks, go ask a little. They ALWAYS come through!!
Make sure you use a face similar to the below demonstration. Suckers! 

Be sure to always thank them after getting a snack. Training littles with kisses as a reward tends to work well for me.

Step Three:
Find your favorite napping position.
Everyone is different so try a few of these out;

Upside down… Great for back pain. Really stretches out that spine! Plus if you’re outside you get those hard to tan spots.

With friends...

Or on friends...

But as I’ve always preached...err maybe I just started preaching this??... Anywhoo... While napping it’s always important to have a good pillow!

Now get out there and have a NAP! Radar style!!

February 05, 2011

Excitement in the Homestead!

Thursday was a busy, busy day and night!  After almost freezing my berries and twig off on the “hike” with Auntie Leanne and Mom we all came home and had a bit of a nap. Trudging through the snow in cold weather is exhausting!  The ladies had some “fortified” coffee, (?? whatever, they thought it was funny), to keep warm but I was freezing my ‘nads off stupid blue parka or not…

Sorry, I got a little lost in my rant there for a second… in the afternoon Leanne came over again and continued to help tear up my mom’s kitchen.  They were painting and sanding and cleaning for a few hours and I must say I think it will look great when the kitchen is put back together again.

My mom went outside to shovel the porch and she saw a St. Bernard lying against the house next door.  Now the people next door are not really the friendliest people and she knew they didn’t have a St Bernard so being the animal lover she is she became curious.  He was laying there and when Mom called to him he started to cry and couldn’t get up!  
So my mom climbed through the snow to him and found that he was in a lot of pain and couldn’t move his hind legs.  He was also very skinny.  She went to talk to the neighbors and they were pretty useless.  They said they were dog sitting him and that he’d pooped in the house so they put him outside TWO DAYS before.  These people are idiots and are so lucky my mom doesn’t have a short temper because she would have shot them if she did.
Mom and Leanne found the number to the dog’s owner, called the State Troopers and my first dad Duane, also a State Trooper but he wasn’t working that night, and they all came over to figure out what to do.  Duane and mom got the dog; his name is Samson, into our house and blocked me off from seeing him!  Can you believe this? THERE IS A BIG STRANGE DOG IN MY HOUSE and I’M blocked off into the living room??
Samson was starving and when they gave him some of MY food he perked right up and wanted more, more, more.  This was a good sign and soon he drank a little water too.  I heard Aunt Leanne say to only give him a little food at a time because he might get sick but I know they only gave him a little food because I totally would have gone ape-shit crazy on his ass if he ate all of my food!

Samson’s owner finally called and he was pretty upset and worried about his dog.  We found out he was only 8 years old – we thought he was much older than that – and he didn’t have any problems when his owner left.
The next day Mom and Leanne took Samson for a ride in the truck AND LEFT ME AT HOME ALONE!  Can you believe this? I mean who’s in charge here?? Me. That’s who.

A couple of hours later Samson was back and man was he STONED! He smelled like the V-E-T’s office so I stayed away for a while.  Mom says he has a broken pelvis and that we have to take care of him for about a week because his owner won’t be back home soon and his other friends (decent people, not the idiots next door), have kids and dogs and he needs to be kept quiet and mellow for a few days.  I’m all over it!  I watch him and make sure he’s breathing okay and sniff and look at him often.  

I think we will be good friends, he won’t walk very well ever again but that’s cool.  His legs are three times longer than my whole body so if he can only walk slowly, that’s good; I can keep up!

February 04, 2011

Busy times!

Life has been so hectic this past week lots to share with you all!

My mom got home from work and immediately took me on a hike with two other dogs and 2.5 humans.  Well, really 2.25 humans.  We took my mom’s friend Jenna and her brand new fresh 4 week old little boy named Kale.  Oooo I so wanted to eat him! I’m kidding – I just wanted to lick him and taste him!  The brand fresh new ones are the best!  Thankfully the ladies and little guy brought a couple of cool dogs along with them; Roo and Dillon.

We went six miles that day.  The weather was awesome, cool and clear and not too much snow.  Then yesterday my mom and my Auntie Leanne, (heh heh, bite it Kelsey), tortured me.  It had snowed for days.  The snow was well over my head and these ladies decided we should go for a hike.  

First of all they forgot the camera, or had some lame excuse about batteries, whatever, humans!  So these pictures are atrocious, I’m almost too embarrassed to show them to you.  Of course, being human they felt I surely should wear some kind of button up, Velcro sticky parka thing that did nothing but get in my way.  Ugh!

As we stepped off the edge of the earth into the snow, (by the way have I mentioned that it was OVER MY HEAD??), I sank down and lost sight of everything!  All I could see was white, white snow.  Finally my mom blazed a trail and I followed behind her.  Leanne brought up the rear and kept laughing, very loudly I might add, about my red man-berries.  By the time I figured out she was talking about my testicles I was good and mad.  Finally, we were within sight of the truck and made a run for it! I ran and ran as fast as I could, I swear I was flying on top of the snow, my feet were hardly touching the ground.  I made it all the way back to the truck where I found this:

Yep, a used condom.