December 31, 2011

I'm back!!

I'm well aware the last year has been a major failure in my blogging career. I have been quite upset at my mother for failing me (If I had thumbs I never would of missed a post!)
Now with the apologies out of the way I can start with catching you up on my crazy life!!
First and biggest news (Drum roll) I have a dad!! (You know a two legger dad.) He married my mom and I have to say they are quite the striking couple!

After the wedding we moved up to Eagle River where my dads house was. I love it here!! Mainly because now I get to go with my mom every day to work!! I'm not even kidding, I really do!
See below for picture proof!

I also love it because my dad plays so hard with me every day that I have no choice but to nap in front of the fireplace multiple times a day. Yes, I know, it's a rough life I lead.
My other great news is they're adding a little two legger to our family! I'm pretty excited because as you all know I love me some babies!
Well, that's enough for now. I need to go get ready for new years! I'm headed to my favorite vets house for a party!!

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